Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Manufacturing – Project Primer (Part 1)
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate project manufacturing approach in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 on simplified example of discrete manufacturing of car frames. This document will focus on project production order with Posting method = Consumed, and it will outline end-to-end functional flow for the scenario which includes setup (Section A), creation (Section B), estimation (Section C), scheduling (Section D), execution (Section E) and costing (Section F) aspects. Please review other documents in the series to compare traditional manufacturing approach to other manufacturing approaches in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Challenge: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 out-of-the-box enables mixed mode manufacturing including traditional approach and other approaches such as project manufacturing. Project manufacturing functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 allows you to create project production orders, track production costs and invoice the customer for incurred production costs. When traditional manufacturing approach is applied to production process itself, the challenge is to understand interrelations between production control and project accounting modules in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The idea is that the reader with understanding of traditional manufacturing approach will be able to apply and "extend" this knowledge in order to implement project manufacturing scenarios in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Solution: The simple but at the same time descriptive real-world example of discrete manufacturing of car frames provides context for better understanding of manufacturing processes and their implementation in Microsoft Dynamics AX. In particular we will be dealing with single level bill of materials and straightforward sequential route in order to implement Make to Stock scenario. Make to Stock scenario was implemented for the sake of simplicity, however we can also apply this knowledge to implement Make to Order scenario if needed.
In this scenario Car frame will be manufactured using traditional approach. Car frame components will be welded together. One team will be responsible for Car frame manufacturing. Time and material project in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will provide costing context and will be used for invoicing the customer for incurred production costs based on consumed material and labor
Bill of materials
One of the important requirements in this scenario was that all products are Standard cost controlled. However for project production orders with Posting method = Consumed we can only use Non-standard cost controlled products, that's why I used FIFO costing model instead of Standard cost
Section A: Setup
Let's review the setup which is required to implement this scenario
Number of released products will be created in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 which will have similar characteristics for the sake of simplicity. All of them will be FIFO controlled, Site and Warehouse will be used as Storage dimensions, default Site and Warehouse settings will be defined for released products and finally cost price will also be defined for all released products (not using BOM calculation for BOMs)
Car frame (AlexFrame) will have the following components: Floor, Roof and 2 Sides
Released product: Car frame (AlexFrame)
Car frame (AlexFrame) released product will be created using decentralized approach
Cost price for Car frame (AlexFrame) is 250$
Site "1" will be used as default Site for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Please also note that Default order type = Production
Within Site "1" Warehouse "11" will be used as default Warehouse for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Car frame (AlexFrame) will be manufactured that's why Production type = "BOM"
Released product: Floor
Floor released product will be created using decentralized approach
Cost price for Floor is 150$
Sales price for Floor is 300$
Site "1" will be used as default Site for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Within Site "1" Warehouse "11" will be used as default Warehouse for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Released product: Side
Side released product will be created using decentralized approach
Cost price for Side is 50$
Sales price for Side is 100$
Site "1" will be used as default Site for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Within Site "1" Warehouse "11" will be used as default Warehouse for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Released product: Roof
Roof released product will be created using decentralized approach
Cost price for Roof is 100$
Sales price for Roof is 200$
Site "1" will be used as default Site for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Within Site "1" Warehouse "11" will be used as default Warehouse for Purchase, Inventory and Sales
Released products
When all released products are created you can see them on Released products list page
Please note that Car frame (AlexFrame) have Production type = BOM
Car frame (AlexFrame) will be manufactured using Welding operation. Before we can define routing we will need to define the operation in the system
Car frame (AlexFrame) will be manufactured by one team
Resource group: AlexFrame
Car frame (AlexFrame) will be manufactured by Alex Frame Team 1
Resource: AlexFrame1
Alex Frame Team 1 will consists of 1 worker: Ahmed Barnett
Please note that Alex Frame Team 1 will be responsible for Car frame (AlexFrame) manufacturing
From costing perspective the cost prices for different types of labor will be defined through Cost categories
Cost category: Setup
Cost price for Setup labor will be 18$
The corresponding Shared category should be enabled for use in Project
Cost category itself will also be enabled for use in Project
Sales price for Setup labor will be 36$
Cost category: Run time
Cost price for Process labor will be 15$
The corresponding Shared category should be enabled for use in Project
Cost category itself will also be enabled for use in Project
Sales price for Process labor will be 30$
Cost category: Quantity
Cost price per Quantity manufactured will be 2$
The corresponding Shared category should be enabled for use in Project
Cost category itself will also be enabled for use in Project
Sales price for per Qty labor will be 4$
Costing sheet
The structure of manufacturing costs will be defined in Costing sheet
Please note that in the case of project production order Posting method = Consumed the costing sheet should be empty
Car frame (AlexFrame) bill of materials will consist of Floor, Roof and 2 Sides
Bill of materials: AlexFrame – Designer view
Designer view provides a visual representation of Car frame (AlexFrame) assembly
Bill of materials: AlexFrame – Lines view
Designer view provides a grid representation of Car frame (AlexFrame) assembly
Car frame (AlexFrame) route will consist of Welding operation only
Route: AlexFrame
Please note that different Cost categories are specified for Setup, Run time and Quantity for all route operations
Please note that Resource requirements are specified for all route operations
Customer will be defined and linked to project
Project contract
Project contract will be defined and linked to project
Time and material project will be created in order to provide costing context for production process
Please note that time and material project is linked to the customer and project contract defined earlier
Project parameters
In order to track production costs under project via Cost control functionality we need to make sure that it is enabled in Project accounting parameters (Cost control tab > Cost commitments section > Production checkbox)
Section B: Creation
In Make to Stock scenario we will create Project Production order for Car frame (AlexFrame) manually
Production order: AlexFrame
Production order is a document which in traditional scenario controls manufacturing process of certain quantity of goods within defined timeframe
Please note that Costing sheet should not exist in case of Posting method = Consumed, otherwise you will see the following message upon project production order creation
Please note that Standard cost items are not allowed on project production orders with Posting method = Consumed
Production orders
When project production order is created you can see it on Production orders list page
Please note that Project fast tab will contain details related to Project such as Project number, etc

When project production order is created the system will copy product's active BOM and active route in order to create production BOM and production route
Production order: AlexFrame – Production BOM
Production BOM is a list of components to be used for this particular project production order
Please note that you can change Production BOM to meet specific requirements for particular Project production order without affecting product's active BOM
Production order: AlexFrame – Production Route
Production Route is a list of operations to be used for this particular Project production order
Please note that you can change Production Route to meet specific requirements for particular Project production order without affecting product's active Route
At this moment we will have inventory receipt transaction representing production order receipt for Car frame (AlexFrame) as well as auto loss/profit inventory issue transaction representing consumed to the project Car frame (AlexFrame)
Inventory transactions
Please note that we intend to consume to the project the result of production for Car frame (AlexFrame), that's why the system applies marking for inventory receipt and issue transactions for Car frame (AlexFrame)
Section C: Estimation
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) production order life cycle is to estimate project production order
Production order: AlexFrame – Estimate
It's important to mention that during estimation the system will create inventory issue transactions for BOM components and calculate estimated cost of manufactured product
Once estimation is finished you can see project production order on Production orders list page
Production orders
From costing perspective after estimation the system calculated estimated cost of project production order based on production BOM and production route
Production order: AlexFrame – Price calculation
Please note that the system segregates consumption of materials from consumption of labor on Overview estimation tab
After estimation the system created all necessary issue inventory transactions for BOM components for Car frame (AlexFrame)
Inventory transactions
At this point because of project production order Posting method = Consumed you can review Project committed costs related to consumed material and labor
Project – Committed costs
You can do extended project cost control analysis using Cost control screen
Project – Cost control
Section D: Scheduling
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order life cycle is to schedule project production order
In this particular scenario I'll execute Job scheduling which will generate number of jobs and provide exact dates and times for them
Production order: AlexFrame – Job Scheduling
Production orders
Once Job scheduling is finished you can see project production order and its status on Production orders list page
Production order: AlexFrame – Jobs
As the result of Job scheduling based on Production Route the system generated a number of jobs
Production order: AlexFrame – Gantt chart
Gantt chart provides visual representation of production schedule, ability to reschedule for the user by dragging and dropping bars and much more
Please note that Gantt chart provides 2 views: Order view and Resource view
At this moment no changes happened to inventory transactions, however by the result of scheduling the system did appropriate capacity reservation for resources involved
Inventory transactions
Section E: Execution
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order life cycle is to release project production order which releases project production order from top floor to shop floor and indicates that project production order can be started
Production order: AlexFrame – Release
Production orders
Once release is finished you can see project production order and its status on Production orders list page
At this moment no changes happened to inventory transactions
Inventory transactions
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) production order life cycle is to start production order
Production order: AlexFrame – Start
In this case I'll pre-flush materials and labor consumption which means that material and labor consumption will be posted up-front. I'll mark "Post picking list now" and "Post route cad now" checkboxes on General tab. I assume that there's enough on-hand for the components to be consumed in production process.
Please note that you can also back-flush materials and labor consumption which means that material and labor consumption may be posted at the time when you report your project production order as finished
As the result the following message will be displayed informing that Picking list journal and Route card journal have been posted for the consumption of material and labor
Production orders
At this moment Project production order for Car frame (AlexFrame) is in Started status
Picking list journal is used to post material consumption
Production order: AlexFrame – Picking list journal
Picking list journal header references Project production order for Car frame (AlexFrame)
Picking list journal lines have details of what components have been picked for Car frame (AlexFrame) production
Route card journal is used to post labor consumption
Production order: AlexFrame – Route card journal
Route card journal header references Production order for Car frame (AlexFrame)
Route card journal lines have details of what operations have been performed for Car frame (AlexFrame) production
Production order: AlexFrame – Jobs
Please note that Job status for Welding (Process) job changed to Waiting
At this moment the system physically updated issue inventory transactions for Car frame (AlexFrame) BOM components. By other words components for Car frame (AlexFrame) have been used in production process
Inventory transactions
Please note that issue inventory transactions for Car frame (AlexFrame) BOM components changed their statuses to Deducted
Production order: AlexFrame – Production posting
The result of material and labor consumption for Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order is reflected in Production posting details
Please see details of Production posting for Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order in the table below
Material consumption
Material consumption is 150$ based on cost of Floor BOM component
*Inventory transactions
Inventory issue transactions for Floor BOM component will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for material consumption
*Voucher transactions
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list", which account was debited for "Production offset picking list"
Material consumption
Material consumption is 100$ based on cost of Roof BOM component
*Inventory transactions
Inventory issue transactions for Roof BOM component will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for material consumption
*Voucher transactions
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list", which account was debited for "Production offset picking list"
Material consumption
Material consumption is 100$ (2x50$) based on cost of Sides BOM components
*Inventory transactions
Inventory issue transactions for Sides BOM components will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for material consumption
*Voucher transactions
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list", which account was debited for "Production offset picking list"
Route consumption
Route consumption is 17$ based on cost of operations for Process and per Quantity for Car frame (AlexFrame)
*Inventory transactions
Inventory receipt transaction for Car frame (AlexFrame) will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for route consumption
*Voucher transactions
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production WIP issue", which account was debited for "Production - WIP"
*Route transactions
Route transactions show the details of labor consumption postings for Process job (15$) and per Quantity (2$) which rolls up to 17$
At this point you can review Project committed costs related to consumed material and labor
Project – Committed costs
Please note that the system reversed project committed costs for material and labor after material and labor have been actually consumed in production process. The only open committed cost transaction left is for labor Process job because the job itself is not yet Ended
You can do extended project cost control analysis using Cost control screen
Project – Cost control
The system reversed committed cost transactions and posted real item and hour project transactions representing material and labor consumption into the project
Project transactions
Please see details of project transactions below
Project item transaction – Floor (General)
Project item transaction – Floor (Cost)
Please note that cost price for Floor is 150$ as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Floor (Sales)
Please note that sales price for Floor is 300$ as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Floor (Voucher)
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list" and which account was debited for "Project – cost"
Project item transaction – Floor (Ledger updates)
Project item transaction – Roof (General)
Project item transaction – Roof (Cost)
Please note that cost price for Roof is 100$ as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Roof (Sales)
Please note that sales price for Roof is 200$ as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Roof (Voucher)
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list" and which account was debited for "Project – cost"
Project item transaction – Roof (Ledger updates)
Project item transaction – Side(s) (General)
Project item transaction – Side(s) (Cost)
Please note that cost price for Side(s) is 100$ (2x50$) as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Side(s) (Sales)
Please note that cost price for Side(s) is 200$ (2x100$) as defined on the product
Project item transaction – Side(s) (Voucher)
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Production, picking list" and which account was debited for "Project – cost"
Project item transaction – Side(s) (Ledger updates)
Project hour transaction – Process (General)
Project hour transaction – Process (Cost)
Please note that cost price for Process labor is 15$ as defined on the cost category
Project hour transaction – Process (Sales)
Please note that sales price for Process labor is 30$ as defined on the cost category
Project hour transaction – Process (Voucher)
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Project – payroll allocation" and which account was debited for "Project – cost"
Project hour transaction – Process (Ledger updates)
Project hour transaction – Quantity (General)
Project hour transaction – Quantity (Cost)
Please note that cost price for Per quantity labor is 2$ as defined on the cost category
Project hour transaction – Quantity (Sales)
Please note that sales price for Per quantity labor is 4$ as defined on the cost category
Project hour transaction – Quantity (Voucher)
Ledger voucher provides details on which account was credited for "Project – payroll allocation" and which account was debited for "Project – cost"
Project hour transaction – Quantity (Ledger updates)
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order life cycle is to report project production order as finished
Production order: AlexFrame – Report as finished
As the result the following message will be displayed informing that Report as finished journal has been posted for the receipt of finished goods into inventory
Once you reported project production order as finished you can see project production order on Production orders list page
Production orders
Report as finished journal is used to record finished good receipt into inventory
Production order: AlexFrame – Report as finished journal
Report as finished journal header references project production order for Car frame (AlexFrame)
Report as finished journal lines have details of what finished goods have been received into inventory
Production order: AlexFrame – Jobs
Please note that Job status for Welding (Process) job changed to Ended
Inventory transactions
At this moment the system physically updated receipt inventory transaction for Car frame (AlexFrame). By other words Car frame (AlexFrame) assembly has been produced. Please also note that the system also physically updated auto loss/profit issue inventory transaction for Car frame (AlexFrame) to automatically reduce on-hand because Car frame (AlexFrame) has been consumed to the project
Production order: AlexFrame – Production posting
The result of reporting Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order as finished is reflected in Production posting details
Please see details of Production posting for Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order in the table below
Report as finished
Report as finished amount is 250$ based on cost of Car frame (AlexFrame)
*Inventory transactions
Inventory receipt transaction for Car frame (AlexFrame) will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for Report as finished
*Voucher transactions
<Empty voucher>
At this point you can review Project committed costs related to consumed material and labor. Please note that all committed costs transactions are closed. After reporting project production order as finished and ending Process job the system also reversed and closed committed cost transaction for Process job
Project – Committed costs
You can do extended project cost control analysis using Cost control screen
Project – Cost control
At this moment no changes happened to project transactions
Project transactions
Section F: Costing
The next step in Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order life cycle is to end project production order
Production order: AlexFrame – End
Once you ended project production orders you can see project production order on Production orders list page
Production orders
From costing perspective after ending project production order the system calculated actual cost of project production order based on actual material and labor consumption
Production order: AlexFrame – Price calculation
Please note that the system segregates consumption of materials from consumption of labor on Overview costing tab
Inventory transactions
At this moment the system financially updated all receipt and issue inventory transactions related to Car frame (AlexFrame) production
Please note that the system recorded financial costs for inventory transactions according to immediate weighted average cost because all products are FIFO controlled
Production order: AlexFrame – Production posting
The result of ending Car frame (AlexFrame) project production order is reflected in Production posting details
Please see details of Production posting for Car frame (AlexFrame) project tproduction order in the table below
Costing amount 367$ reflects the actual cost of project production order which includes material consumption and labor consumption
*Inventory transactions
Inventory transactions related to Car frame (AlexFrame) will be displayed on Voucher transactions screen for costing. This includes original receipt inventory transaction and auto loss/profit issue inventory transaction
*Voucher transactions
Please note that the system recorded 0 (Zero) voucher transaction in order to account for product receipt after the product was consumed to the project and subsequent financial activity will happen in project accounting module
At this point no changes happened to committed cost transactions
Project – Committed costs
You can still do extended project cost control analysis using Cost control screen
Project – Cost control
Since the time when project item and hour transactions have been posted against the project, they are ready to be included into Project invoice proposal in order to invoice the customer
Project transactions
Summary: This document describes a primer of project manufacturing approach to Car frame production in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The scenario operates with single level BOM. Production order is a main document in traditional approach which controls manufacturing process and provides a context for cost accounting. However in project manufacturing scenario the project itself provides cost context as well as extended committed costs and cost control capabilities. In this scenario I highlighted all aspects of manufacturing process including setup, creation, estimation, scheduling, execution and costing as well as project accounting functionality related to costing. Most importantly I'm giving a detailed practical example of how to implement typical manufacturing scenario using project approach in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This provides a foundation for comparison between traditional approach and project approach in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Please review other documents in the series to compare traditional manufacturing approach to other manufacturing approaches in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 FPK Demo VM (CEU)
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP
Tags: Microsoft Dynamics ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Manufacturing, Project, Production, Project Manufacturing, Traditional Approach, Project Accounting, Production Order, Setup, Creation, Estimation, Scheduling, Execution, Costing.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the concepts and describe the examples.
Well Come to you. I am very happy after reading your post.This is a really good read for me.Thanks for posting this informative article about Manufacturing – Project Primer.hope this will be useful for everyone.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
Manufacturing in Mexico
Awesome job. Thank you. My only question or problem is what do you if you want to use the part at a higher level assembly? Now it's not in inventory to use for the next level.
ReplyDeleteHi HolliV! In case you have BOM which has SubBOM then when you create Project Production order for BOM and estimate it (with References) the system will create another Production order for SubBOM (component of BOM). Project reference will be set on Production order for BOM, but not on Production order for SubBOM. This allows you to accurately account for BOM Production order cost on the Project. Cost of SubBOM Production order will just add to the total cost of BOM Production order, so you will have a correct picture on the Project. Also please note that SubBOM component BOMLine issue inventory transaction will be marked against SubBOM finished good receipt inventory transaction (also assuming reservation), this way you can make sure that what you produce as SubBOM (say exact Batch or Serial number) will be consumed in the production of BOM for the Project
ReplyDeleteHope this helps!
Best Regards,
Very good document, thanks for your sharing